Wednesday 19 June 2013

'The Difficulty of the Challenge ahead should not deter us from having High Aspirations.'

At nanny's up north
Last week you may remember I blogged about a bungalow that had come up on the social housing register in a neighbouring village. It looked very likely that Chrissy would be successful so her MDT team and I swung into action. Last Thursday 14 of us sat round a table to thrash out details of the support package Chrissy will need in the community. I felt immensely reassured when it was agreed that there would be a bed for Chrissy at the assessment & treatment unit should a crisis occur during the transition stage that meant she needed to return there. Also, it was agreed that if her condition were to become unstable again in future there would be no delays in admitting her for inpatient treatment & assessment again, as there were before.

We even discussed finer details about the need for flooring to be the same throughout to enable Chrissy to move around as independently as possible. She trips on threshold strips between rooms and finds changes in the appearance of different surfaces disorientating. As ideas about suitable robust furnishings etc were bounced around and the issue regarding platelet count and Chrissy's meds sensitivities were discussed her psychiatrist said to me 'you know her so well.' Ridiculously I felt tears well up. It has taken me nearly 30 years to get to this point - for an MDT to see what I see and to fully understand the complexity of her needs. Often the term 'complex needs' is bandied about without the true nature of those needs really being identified and addressed. Due to the fluctuating nature of Chrissy’s symptoms and behaviours, previous assessments have provided mere snapshots of the whole picture but now she has spent so much time as an inpatient, there is ample documentation to inform better treatment and a more holistic view of her needs for the future.

After the meeting I felt an overwhelming sense of relief that finally Chrissy will get what she needs to lead the happiest and fullest life possible.

Then, today I had some bad news - another more local applicant has got the bungalow in the neighbouring village. Local connection trumps priority banding, which could well rule out anywhere local unless it's on our doorstep. Each English housing authority must have an "allocation scheme" for determining priorities. We were told that, in this case, S106 Planning Obligation applies in that applicants must have strong local connections to local parishes. Unfortunately for us, the first priority is to applicants who live in the parish where the accommodation is rather than neighbouring parishes.

I was upset that we hadn’t been informed and I’d had to find out by chasing it up, and told the allocation officer so. She said they didn’t ‘have’ to tell applicants if they had been unsuccessful and spouted the S106 Planning Obligations at me. I kept telling her that I understood the rationale behind the local connection criteria but she chose to miss the point and kept repeating the S106 regulations. In the end I asked her if she was robot…... So frustrating! She knew the that there was multi-agency working involved, who needed to know the outcome of Chrissy’s bid as soon as possible so they could plan her support. Other members of last week's MDT were as gobsmacked as I was, We had all been on tenterhooks ready to act on the outcome of our bid. The allocation officer's approach was not in the interests of joint-working, and I'm told that someone will be raising the issue with her Housing Manager.

Despite the setback, our aim is to have Chrissy settled into supported living by October. She's eating better and we are awaiting results of blood tests but her moods are still very volatile and unpredictable. At the weekend we took her up north to see her nanny. The plan was to go out for a meal on Saturday night for an early Father’s Day celebration. As we’d enjoyed an uneventful pub lunch together last Thursday I was hopeful that it will all turn out fine. The journey to Chrissy's nanny's was OK but Chrissy kicked off after we got there then it all escalated on the Saturday. She had lovely moments, as Chrissy often does but her moods switched so suddenly our nerves were in shreds. She stripped off a couple of times – behaviours we hadn’t seen in a while - so we decided not to risk the meal out. I stayed home with Chrissy while Ian, Alex and Ian’s mum went out.

The next day, Chrissy kept getting ‘stuck’ with transitions. We thought we’d get stranded there but we did eventually get her into the car around tea-time, and the drive home was relatively peaceful.

Discussing the visit with her little sister; Alex, was thought-provoking. Alex said I was ‘deluded’ because I keep trying to take Chrissy out with us when it nearly always ends badly. I don’t think it nearly always ends badly but I can understand her perception that it does! I do try to assess the risks before I take her anywhere but she’s so unpredictable at times….. I tried to explain to Alex that if I stopped trying to take Chrissy out I would be giving up on her, and when it does work, we rejoice! This comment by Chrissy’s positive behavioural support team from 2009 sums up the approach that I believe in:

‘Clearly, Chrissy has a well-established history of being the person that she is, and experiencing the world as she has. The goal for her to become a more active and engaged person, whose daily routines are rich and varied, may not be easily achieved. Nonetheless, the difficulty of the challenge ahead should not deter us from having high aspirations.’

I support Unique & I'm a SWAN (syndromes without a name) blogger

Thursday 6 June 2013

Living with a Rare Chromosome Disorder (2)

Just as I was brimming over with joy about Chrissy getting her life back, it all went belly-up again- but every cloud has a silver lining. Reading through Chrissy’s records and seeing everything that’s happened over the past six years was harrowing but now I'm clearer about what she needs for a better future. Her recent setback is a stark reminder of her fragile hold on stability and the importance of having robust community-based medical support.

Chrissy’s behaviour started to worsen after her antiepileptic, Zonisamide, was in the final stage of being titrated up to 300mg a day. Her moods became very erratic and she turned into a roaring Stalinesque dictator. Then she kept going back to bed and lost her appetite completely. As Chrissy is obsessed with food and eats everything that’s put in front of her, (the opposite of her failure-to-thrive infancy) alarm bells rang.

These symptoms had appeared nine years ago when she was 20 - her platelet count had dropped so low she was rushed to hospital. So this time, I asked for blood tests to be done asap. Lo and behold, her platelets were low again. Platelets help the blood to clot so if the count drops too low it can lead to uncontrolled bleeding. There have been other abnormalities in Chrissy’s blood count over the years, nothing too striking, but at one point her doctors thought she had myelodysplasia, or pre-leukaemia.

So here we go again. This time, her platelet count isn’t low enough to put her at risk but it’s been part of a general downward trend. As any parent knows, there’s nothing worse than seeing your child suffer but knowing you’re helpless to do anything about it. Last weekend Chrissy kept telling me - ‘I feel sick.’ Sometimes she tried to eat but couldn’t bring herself to swallow; other times she refused food and fluids altogether. She has lost 7.5 kg (over a stone) in the past fortnight and constantly has white gunk around her mouth due to dehydration. Her doctors have been on the case but it’s trial and error. Chrissy’s neurologist advised a reduction in Epilim - not the new drug, Zonisamide. I agree with his decision. So many new adjunctive antiepileptics had been tried, and caused horrible side-effects, we were at the end of the road. We can’t keep putting Chrissy through what are effectively drug trials. She’s been on Epilim for years so it’s a case of better the devil we know, but the dose has been high, and, perhaps when Zonisamide was added it tipped her over the edge. We saw Chrissy’s neuro on Friday and he said that Chrissy had been trialled on just about every antiepileptic drug going, so he was reluctant to try any more. He decided to withdrew Clobazam, as that could be making Chrissy nauseous, and should have only been a stop-gap drug while Zonisamide was being titrated up anyway. If Chrissy responds well he will look at tweaking her other anti-epileptic drugs down to try and achieve a better seizure control/quality of life balance.

The sudden deterioration in Chrissy's health has been a rude awakening. I’d been living in hope that one day she would regain the lasting stability she enjoyed during her teens. Now I have to admit it’s unlikely. It was hard enough to stabilise her epilepsy and behaviour but now these other side-effects have to be taken into consideration too.

So until a few days ago, I was going through a period of grief again - bursting into tears at unexpected times, and waking up in the night panicking, and torturing myself with thoughts like ‘how can her body cope with all those drugs going into an empty stomach?’ Then the sun came out, and love and support came pouring in from all sides, and the future started to look rosier again....

In the meantime, a bungalow has come up on the social housing register. It looks promising – in a neighbouring village set in open countryside, five minutes drive from us - and Chrissy would share our GP, who already knows about her. Her Social Worker is 'quietly confident.' We should know by Monday if our bid's been successful.

Supported living still feels like an experiment to me but I'm told it can work for even the most complex and challenging individuals. If it's going to work for Chrissy, it stands a better chance if she's close to her family.

Wish us luck!

I support Unique & I'm a SWAN (syndromes without a name) blogger